Friday, March 14, 2008

Bad News!

Well bad news fell on the Ober household this week. As many of you know, Matt has been a wrestling coach for many of years. This year he resigned his position as a paid coach due to his growing involvement with the family business. He still helped out this year and did his coaching, as if he was still the head coach. About 6 weeks ago, Matt was wrestling full-out with one of the boys, and hurt his knee. He has been dealing with it for weeks now, and over time it hasn't improved. He finally listened to his wife and went to the doctors. He had an MRI and it turns out he has a torn ACL and meniscus!!! We knew he hurt it but didn't expect it to be both! He has an appointment with the surgeron on Tues to discuss his options, but surgery is foreseeable in the near future. Please keep Matt in your thoughts and prayers as he has never had surgery before and is a little bummed about the news. He is a very stubborn man and thinks he is going to wait another month to get all his plumbing side jobs done that he promised everyone he would do in the month of April. Of course he can't take a step back and think about himself for once, always thinking of others! We will keep you posted on Matt's status and his pending surgery! Thanks for all the kind words this week from all of you, we appreciate it and love you all :)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Makayla's Competition

Makayla had competition this weekend in York. She had a great day. She won 2nd place in her modeling out of 9 girls. That was really good because some of those girls were 6 years old. She got 4th in her marching, still working on that. She is loving Baton! She is trying to follow what the older girls do and thinks she is something else! We love it and here are a few pictures for you to enjoy:

Here she is with her buddy Anna Best. Anna is 4 years old and she won first place in the modeling and Makayla was 2nd. Way to go girls!

Here is Makayla getting ready for her Teenie
Weenie routine with Kloey Smith. Smile big girls :)

The end of the day, in her pj's with her new trophy!!!!!

The Kids & Bode

I finally have had time to add some more pictures of my ADORABLE nephew, Bode.

Here is a picture of Matthew with his new cousin. Looks like Bode loves him and is trying to give him kisses!

Here is Makayla with Bode. She is so proud to have a new baby around. She loves to hold him and sing to him. This picture was the first night that Bode heard the song "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star." She LOVES to sing to him!

Mason is the most proud of them all. He DOES NOT like to share his turn of holding Bode, and he has held him more then I have. Can you imagine that? He loves to talk to Bode and touch his little nose. He will be a GREAT big cousin to Bode :)

Here are

Isn't he the most precious thing!