Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fall Classic Competition 08

What a great weekend we had! While the boys went with their dad to the mountains, Makayla and I headed to West Virginia to her first individual competition! We had such a great weekend with all the girls, and Makayla did AWESOME for her first time on the floor by herself! She remember all of her routines and placed well. She received one 1st place, two 2nd places, one 4th place, and one 5th place. I couldnt' have been more proud of her. She really wants to earn a crown and banner now that she saw what that is. We as a studio had 15 title winners which is most we ever brought home to Paula's School of Baton. Way to go girls!!!! Enjoy our pictures from this weekend below.
This is Makayla and Anna after a day of traveling and shopping on Friday. We ate dinner at Texas Roadhouse! All 40 of us :) Makayla's friends, Anna and Hunter being silly while Makayla took their picture!
Some of the girls, still waiting on the rest of the party!

Makayla and Peyton

The gang of girls after dinner.
After we settled in at the hotel, we set hair and the girls were able to play for a little before bed. Here is Anna and Makayla wearing their matching pj's they picked out earlier in the day!

And here she is all dolled up! She wore her new dress this weekend and looked absolutely beautiful. I did not tell her to pose, I turned around and this was how she was sitting waiting for her event to be called. Priceless!

Anna and Makayla

The girls with their buddy Adrianna.
All the girls ready to model! Say cheese girls :)

Makayla showing me her 1st place trophy in modeling.

The girls waiting for awards to begin.

All of our private students. Again we had 15 overall title winners, which is the most ever! It was great!

Makayla showing me all of her trophies from the day!

And finally at 12am that night while we were all at Eatin Park, she crashed! She didn't even eat she was out cold on the floor. What an exhausting day for her. I couldn't have been more proud!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Our weekend!

What a crazy weekend we had. It started on Friday, with Mason turning 6 years old. He was so happy that he finally was 6. He didn't understand why we celebrated him turning 6 the weekend before and not on his birthday. Either way, he was excited. He went to the mountains with his dad. While daddy hunted Mason was able to play with Papa and Grandma, stack wood, ride 4 wheeler and play hunting. All the things that make him so happy, so it was a great birthday weekend for him!
Makayla went to her friend Anna's for the weekend while mommy was away. They went to Disney on Ice on Friday, Saturday they had their first private practice for competition, and then yesterday they went to see High School Musical 3, which she fell asleep because she was so tired from her busy days!!!!! She too had a great weekend.
Matthew got to spend the whole weekend with Pap. They went to the WVU game with Tim on Saturday and he was so excited. Even though WVU lost, I got to hear all about the game and how he got to see Amanda, etc... Yesterday he got to spend part of his day with his soccer team playing Laser Tag at the Laserdome. He LOVED it! I do have some very exciting news, Matthew got ALL A'S his first marking period in 6th grade. He reached his goal and Matt and I can not be more proud of him!!! WAY TO GO!!!!!!
I went to the beach this weekend with some of the girls. We had a great time and did massive shopping. We started at 9am at the outlets in Rehobeth and shopped till they closed 9pm on Sat. Yesterday we got up packed the car and headed out to finish any remaining places we didn't get to or wanted to go back to yesterday. We got home about 5pm last evening. I was a little tired to say the least but we had a great time. I don't have any pictures from our exciting weekend, sorry!
Keep posted as this weekend Makayla and I head to West Virginia for her first competition that she will be competing in individually. She is very excited and I think she is pretty ready. Our goal is for her to remember her routines and have FUN!!! That is what it is all about when you are only 4 years old :) I will take lots of pictures and keep you posted on what happens!
Have a great week :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween and Boys Birthday Celebration

This past weekend was quite busy at the Ober house. It started with Friday being Trick-or- Treat in Mount Joy. We went and saw Grandma and Papa Ober and then went into my mom's to trick-or-treat with Bode and the Buckius's in my parents neighborhood. The kids got lots of candy which they don't need of course! Below is the kids in their costumes. Makayla was Gabriella from High School Musical, Mason is Bumblebee a Transformer, and Matthew was a dirty laundry basket since he decided to go only a few days before Friday. Bode after his dinner and prior to getting his halloween costume on! He is my little peanut!!!!
All the kids dressed up and ready to go to get some goodies.

Michael decided to dress up for the festivities as well, so he was the Man in the Yellow Hat along with Curious George.

On Saturday we had the Millersville Homecoming Parade that Makayla marched in. Then we stayed with Mom and Dad to watch the game for a little. Needless to say, they don't play like they used to when Michael and his teammates were there! Saturday night, we had the annual Hoffmaster Halloween Party at Trent and Tara's. It was a blast as it always is! Below you can enjoy some of the pictures from the evening. Michael and Christy (aka David and Victoria Beckman)

So this year, Matt refused to do something with me as a couple for Halloween. It took me forever to find or think of a costume but at 6pm Sat eve, Mason picked a costume for me, and it was on Sale. Matt of course found and ordered his costume awhile ago, because he thought it was the best!!! Now you can see why?
All the girls from the party!!

Tina and Ollie (aka Batman and Batwomen)
Tara and Trent (aka Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo)

Michelle and Eric Herr (aka Robin)
And the winner of the costume party this year, Brian Hess, or shall I say Grandma!!! Check out the orthopedic shoes he was wearing, and the beer holder on the front of the walker!!
Nic and Lisa
On Sunday, we celebrated the boys birthday's! Mason will be turning 6 on Friday and Matthew was 12 on Oct 28th. We had all of our family and friends over for the party, it turned out well. Below are some of their gifts they received!

One of Mason's favorite gifts was from Justin, a camo hood to wear in the woods (aka our backyard or trees) for hunting! It was leaves hanging off of it and he absolutely thought it was the best gift ever!!!
Makayla and Hailey dressed as twins, without planning it. What best friends!
The boys blowing out their candles. Matthew has a Jeff Gordan cake, while Mason had a transformer! Of course they were made by our very own Aunt Cathy!!!!
This was my favorite pic of the night! He didn't want to take the thing off!