Monday, September 14, 2009

Makayla's First Day of Preschool

Her final day of year of preschool has begun! She would much rather go to Kindergarten but unfortunately she isn't old enough yet so one more year of preschool it is. Enjoy her pictures from this am. I will post some of the boys first day but I accidentally deleted them so still waiting for them to come then I will post them.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day 2009

Well after much talk that I need to update my blog for my family members and friends, I finally took sometime tonight to do so. So I sure do hope you enjoy some new pictures, especially from our great weekend in the mountains.
August was a very slow month, not much going on. A month off of baton, no soccer, no swimming, so not much to blog about. Matt has started tobacco cutting again, so he isn't around much right now, but its okay it's all worth it in the end. Only a few more weeks to go but we then enter hunting season! School has started this past week, thought I had pictures but accidentally deleted them so I will try to post something soon if I can get them back. Matthew has started the 7th grade at the middle school. He enjoyed his first week of school, likes having a locker and boy does time fly! I can't even believe he is a 7th grader, getting too big too fast. He has chosen not to play soccer this season, but was asked to help with the Junior High football team as a manager and is LOVING it. He goes to all practices, helps the coaches with the team, fills the water bottles, etc... He is excited for their first game and hope he can continue to do this and be a part of a football team, even if he can't play the game. We all know how much he loves FOOTBALL! Mason has started 1st grade this past week, and LOVES being at the "big school." Big adjustment going to school all day long but we are working to getting bed early each night, etc.. He loves his teacher and is excited to have a good year. No sports for him yet, swimming is over. Wrestling sign-ups are soon, so I think he may be trying that again this year. Makayla has yet to start baton again. This week starts her lessons again, no competitions until November. She is on the Tiny Tot team again this year with her friends. She also will be competiting more this year so she will be doing a talent and getting some harder routines. She had such a good nationals this year receiving runner up to her title at the age of 4! Wow hope she keeps up the talent!
This weekend we went to the mountains for Labor Day. It was so nice to have Justin home from CA and to meet his new girl friend Kelsey. She is really nice and fits in well with our crazy family :) We had very nice weather, time to relax, and enjoy each others company. Hope you enjoy the pics below from the weekend.
The men were practicing their bow hunting shots this weekend at the target. Matt says only 27 more days til hunting starts!

All the men walking out the trail to get their arrows. What a crew. Hopefully one of these guys brings home a deer after all the practice shots!
Mason and Mommy

Makayla and Mommy

My two little sand bugs. Nothing like playing the sandbox all weekend (aka horseshoe pits)

Our night of a warm fire, smores and hotdogs! Matt and Mason spending quality time together.

My family, minus Matthew who was inside watching college football all day! Hard to get him away from the TV up there, that is his relaxation, so I will let it slide!

Makayla making her smores

Mason roasting his marshmellows

Oh my gosh he came out of the cabin away from football to have a smore! (hahaha)

Enjoying Justin's company

Take note to Matt's cheek (look closely). He came up Friday night and looked like he got beat up. He took at tobacco lath to the face that evening. It looks pretty good in this pic but he was lucky he didn't lose an eye!
Our ladies trip to Walmart, came home with a Barbie pool

Our new cabin game, "Ladder Golf." Had a blast playing it, even the kids joined in. Mason was great when he had to be preventing Uncle Jere from getting another win. Concentrating hard on a toss.
Mason's partner Makayla. She too did her best!
Sometimes, we had some pouting when she didn't score! Surprised?????

Pap and Matthew

Matthew joined us in the tournament. He was Pap's partner
It was good for Nanny to be up and moving around so she wasn't in pain. We kept her busy with the game. We will know of my mom's test results this week, so keep her in your prayers.

I will try to get some school pics posted tomorrow night before the crazy running around begins again. Hope you all enjoyed a great long weekend.